SR&ED Tax Credit Preparation & Filing

SR&ED Tax Credit Preparation & Filing

Consultation Process

  1. Facilitate multiple Discovery sessions with clients to consolidate technical information. This can be accomplished during on-site meetings or conference calls working around client schedules.
  2. Discovery sessions are conducted with the use of a digital voice recorder to ensure all relevant technical information is captured/reported.
  3. Utilize investigative questioning techniques to pursue/vet technical details behind the science for the underlying technology.
  4. Focus on maximizing the financial portion of the claim by utilizing SRED Innovation labour reports to correctly allocate labour with accuracy.
  5. Writing sound technical narratives that satisfy the criteria for Technological Uncertainties, Systematic Investigation/Work Performed, and Technological Advancements.
  6. Provide feedback to clients throughout the process of writing the technical narratives.
  7. T661 Part 2 project narratives are prepared using Corporate Tax Prep or Profile tax software for inclusion with the T2 Corporate Tax return.
  8. Consolidate all relevant SR&ED technical and financial supporting documentation to support CRA Objective Evidence requirements.
  9. Defending claims during a CRA Technical and/or Financial Review.